In "Demon Father Season 2 Episode 1 - Pervy dad disciplines his daughter with a stiff cock," the story revolves around the Makino family, consisting of a grieving father and his four beautiful daughters, Natsume, Akira, Haruka, and Fuyu. A week after losing his wife in a tragic accident, the father finds himself becoming increasingly attracted to his daughters.
When the rebellious Natsume gets into trouble at school, her father steps in to discipline her, but with a twist. Instead of a traditional punishment, he decides to sexually discipline her, setting the stage for a series of similar encounters with his other daughters. Akira, the motherly figure of the family, is next to receive her father's sexual discipline, followed by the over-achieving Haruka and the sickly Fuyu.
This hentai anime features a father who, after the loss of his wife, becomes attracted to his four daughters and decides to sexually discipline them. Each daughter experiences this discipline in their own unique way, leading to a series of intense and provocative encounters.
The story explores themes of taboo relationships, sexual awakening, and the complex dynamics within a family. As the father pushes the boundaries of what is considered acceptable, the daughters are forced to confront their own desires and emotions.
Demon Father / Oni Chichi Complete Series Episode List Demon Father Season 1 Episode 1 Demon Father Season 1 Episode 2 Demon Father Season 2 Episode 1 Demon Father Season 2 Episode 2 Demon Father Rebirth Episode 1 Demon Father Reborn Episode 1 Demon Father Reborn Episode 2 Demon Father Revenge Episode 1 Demon Father Revenge Episode 2 Demon Father Rebuild Episode 1 Demon Father Rebuild Episode 2 Demon Father Rebuild Episode 3 Demon Father Harvest Episode 1 Demon Father Refresh Episode 1 Demon Father Refresh Episode 2 Demon Father Refresh Episode 3 Demon Father Refresh Episode 4 Demon Father Kakeeshon Episode 1