In this tantalizing hentai anime, Marina and Airi's world is turned upside down when their single mother remarries. Their new stepfather initially seems like a caring and loving figure. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that he harbors a dark and insatiable desire for his stepdaughters. This perverted father indulges in his forbidden fantasies, defiling his daughters in public places, risking exposure and igniting a whirlwind of emotions. As the girls confront their stepfather's lascivious behavior, they must navigate the complex web of family dynamics and their own desires. This captivating series explores themes of love, betrayal, and the delicate balance between temptation and morality. With stunning animation and compelling storytelling, "Demon Father Refresh Episode 1 - A Stepdad's Inherent Desires" is a must-watch for hentai enthusiasts.
Demon Father / Oni Chichi Complete Series Episode List